Trailer Share Tuesday: 12/2/14 – “Star Wars Episode VIII The Force Awakens & Jurassic World”

action, adventure, biopic, comedy, crime, drama, heist, horror, indie, mystery, political, psychological, satire, suspense, thriller, Trailer Share

-Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and Peter Pan…. AM I 10 again!  also two other crappy trailers.

comedy rff

Rapid Fire Friday: 8/29/14 – 16 COMEDY MOVIES REVIEWED

2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3.25, 4.75, action, animated, comedy, crime, drug war, heist, horror, indie, romance, satire, western

Click for Clips! So I fell behind a bit and am going to launch out 16 Comedy movie reviews out all at once!